update: the open call is closed. the zine has been published and is spread to the public space of 14 cities in 11 countries during the spring and summer 2022. read more about it here: letters for you.

what lime tussi

i’m working on an art-project that consists of a zine and a lot of unknown people. it takes place in different parts of the globe during the next winter and spring. in the project i collect personal anonymous writings from people living in different countries and self-publish a zine of them. then the publication is spread around public space in those countries for random people to find, read and feel it.

this is an open call for the writings (see instructions below). you don’t need to be a good writer or have experience of anything. you’re very welcome to contribute, and it would be a big help if you could pass this on to people who might be interested! (link to this page: anniwaris.net/opencall)

lime why_

i tend to carry a notebook with me that i write down ideas, things to remember and feelings. the text is straightforward and unfinished, and therefore the existing moods and thoughts come out quite honest. there has been plenty of unnerving events in the world lately but somehow they’ve inspired many interesting insights too. as i was reading my scribblings form last few years i realized it would be really captivating to read similar kind of notes by other people.

during covid i’ve found myself getting emotional towards surprising things, that are considering unknown people, other side of the world, going through the same shit. i’ve found myself caring about random individuals a lot more than i knew i do. hearing people’s feelings and experiences makes it easier for me to adapt and i guess gives me a sensation of being part of something (like a crowd i mean, not pandemic), and some kind of feeling of space and hope. even if it’s desperate feelings or anxious experiences.

i’m interested in how people feel around the globe at this point. considering not only pandemic but any other stuff too that evokes feelings. the zine will be like a collection of experiences and thoughts from unknown writers to unknown readers. i have two reasons for this project: to find out if the thoughts or feelings that come up first to people are similar or somehow different in various corners of the globe, and to offer random people a possibility to be moved by other random people, writing from other side of the world.

lime how_

with this open call i am gathering writings from people as widely as possible. the texts are anonymous – the hometowns of the writers are listed in the zine but they’re not connected to the texts. from the writings i receive i pick out the ones that resonate best with each other and compose a compilation to publish. i contact the writers of the selected texts and ask them to send a photo in addition to their text (instructions for that will be given). in the spring 2022 i publish a copy of 200-300 zines. the edition is spread to the public space of the hometowns of the writers: i send 10 copies to each writer, one for themselves and 9 to be left in the city space (on a park bench, bus stop, coffee house, library, free shop…). i will form a documentation of the project to my website.

lime open call_

i’d ask you to write down a text that deals with your feelings or experiences about existing in this world right now. i seek personal emotions more than opinions; sentiments over statements. the end result can be anything you choose: a list, a poem, a sentence… 

here’s an example you can do: take a moment to think how you’ve been feeling during the last year. think about the world’s state and put yourself into a bigger picture. how has it felt to be part of the human kind? to exist right in this moment? concentrate on your emotions. after a moment of thinking take the next 10 minutes to write unplanned whatever comes to your mind continuously without pulling your pen from the paper/your fingers from the keyboard. every time you go blank start the new sentence with the same words you started your last sentence with. when you’re done mail the produced text to me or edit it first any way you want.

you can also choose a paragraph you’ve written earlier to your notebook if you have one, or write down every time you think a thought that has something to do with your feelings and the global world, during the next couple of days. the text can be short and really free form, like diary-like style. i hope them to be rather unfinished, mundane, random pieces of thoughts. that kind of expression is the best way to catch the subtle tones of atmosphere.

i wish to get writings from 30 different countries, from as many parts of the world map as possible. the texts are anonymous, and won’t be connected to the writer nor the city or country of their recidence. you don’t need to provide your name or other information but do mention which city you live in. the text should be in english and something like 1-300 words long. you can send more than one option if you want. i wish to receive writings right away and i encourage a spontaneous enter, but i will collect texts until november 14, 2021.

mail your text to inprogress(a)riseup.net. thanks! if you have questions, mail them too.

lime me_

my name is anni, i’m an artist based in tampere, finland. i work with participatory and process-oriented art that often takes place in public space. community actions and do-it-yourself mentality are important aspects in my work.

the artworks are conceptual, and i find the happening or process more interesting than the actual end result. this applies to this zine-project too: the zine alone isn’t really the artwork, but the process that includes lots of anonymous effort and coincidences in different parts of the globe.